"When hinges creak, in door-less
chambers. And strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls. Whenever candlelight’s
flicker, where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are
present. Practicing their terror, with ghoulish delight!" Welcome! Foolish
Mortals, to the haunted mansion, I am your host, your ghost host. Hmmmm. Our
tour begins here, in this gallery. Here where you see paintings of some of our
guests, as they appeared in their corruptible, mortal state. Kindly step all
the way in please, and make room for everyone. There’s no turning back now...
Your cadaverous parlor, betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you
sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this Haunted room actually stretching? Or
is it your imagination, hmm?? And consider this dismaying observation; this
chamber had no windows, and no doors. Which offers you this chilling challenge,
to find A WAY OUT! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! Of course, there's always my way..."
Who doesn’t like Halloween? I love the time of year when the weather turns cool at night, but warm during the day. The leaves begin to change colors and eventually float almost magically to the ground. The smell of autumn permeates the air and every child knows Halloween is close at hand. Being in the Far East I expected Halloween to be celebrated differently, if celebrated at all. In Taiwan the smell of autumn does not exist and there are no real leaves to turn colors. I have been informed numerous times palm tree leaves do not count towards this endeavor. With the disappointment of the absentee autumn still weighing heavily on my heart Halloween was a hop, skip, and scream away.
fellow English teachers and I were asked to decorate the Kid’s Happy Land for
the big day. I believed the request to be odd, but presumed the decorations
were for the benefit of the students. I was confident we would be asked to not
hang any witches or devils, this being a Catholic school. However, no such
demand was made. In fact we constructed two separate witches to the utter
delight of our superiors. I probed my fellow teachers about how odd I found it
to be a Catholic school celebrating the day dedicated to things that go bump in
the night. The teachers told me Halloween is a colossal ordeal in Taiwan. Every
child dresses up and participates in “Tricks or Treets”. I smiled and nodded, chalking
this oddity to “That’s the way we do it in Taiwan”.
the day of Halloween first thru third grade came down to Kid’s Happy Land to play games
and be given candy. Once inside the kids recited the following for the Happy
Land teachers: “Tricks or Treets, smeeal my feets, give me somephing goods to
eat, if you don’t, I don’t care, I will gibes you underwears.” I nearly wet my
pants laughing. I thought this might be a fluke and only one class would say
the Halloween rhyme for us. But to my shock and pleasure every class recited
the rhyme for us. It was one of the funniest sights I had ever watched. This
was even funnier than time Scott Landis set the roof of his mother’s house on
fire one 4th of July. I took pictures of the students decked out in
their Halloween garb. Enjoy!
Do you see Snow White?<-----
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