
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wonders Never Cease...

There are many wonders contained in one's own country of origin one holds scared and even views as "unique" to their area. This could be considered a truism and one would never need to leave the comfort of their own "backyard" to gaze upon amazing visages. Really? One doesn’t have to leave the fenced in area of their yard to see wonders any more amazing then they are able see from home? If this were truly the case the world would be filled with people speaking just one language, sitting in their chaise lounge chairs, drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, a hand down their drawers, and never dreaming of a life beyond or outside their fence. Don’t you remember, your country told you that this was all you would ever need or want? Come to the “Melting Pot it is “The Land of Freedom and Opportunity”, but not for everyone. Everything one could possibly hold in amazement is right where you are, no further. One has an illusion of safety as long as they remain in the confines of their yard. These artifices are powerful tethers and ensure any adventures are confined to the “Open Road” of their homeland. However, even Forest Gump dreamed of a life beyond his backyard. “Run Forest, run!!” Sorry I couldn’t resist. J Forest played table tennis in China, survived the jungles of Vietnam, met the President of the United States, and spoke at a peace demonstration. If Forest was able to accomplish those feats being who he was, isn’t it possible anyone could? Taking the above discussion into consideration, passing through customs for three separate countries was daunting and illuminating. One discovers what a country values most as one gains entry to their boarders. Taiwan values honesty and moral fortitude. This was evident as they search every item on my person and check luggage. In addition to the search and body scanning machine, there was a large warning written in perfect English and huge red letters. It said, “Any persons attempting to bring any illegal substances or drugs will be held in contempt and is punishable by death”. Yes death! The warning didn’t say capital punishment. It clearly stated death. I wish now I would have snapped a picture of the sign. The warning sign serves to lend an ominous feeling to the airport and luggage claim. Maybe America isn’t so corrupt? Maybe She still has offerings far above any other country on the Earth. After all people died for those offerings and they never had seemed so appealing. The adage, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone”, is the ultimate truism. Taiwan has many many edicts and rules. No one questions anything or anyone. They just do what they always have done and no one stops to wonder or ask why. God bless America and the freedom only She affords.         

Don’t misinterpret my intent. I am not implying a life from a chaise lounge chair while drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer should be enough for anyone. I elect one catches the adventure bug! Yes, the adventure bug is real and no he is not related to Ivan. They travel in very different circles of people. Harry, the adventure bug, would never go slumming and consent to being friends with a dirty roach eater. He is persnickety and only rubs feelers with the upper echelons. Go! See the wonders and spectacles. Find Waldo, he’s been missing for years!

In America these immense works of men include wonders such as Mount Rushmore, The Statue of Liberty, and the list marches on towards infinity. These marvels on their own and collectively are truly sights to behold. But what if, just what if, there were wonders equally amazing found in every corner of this wonderful world, created to behold in astonishment? Hate to be the one to let you in on the not so well kept secret, but incredible wonders can be found universally. As it has been said so skillfully in the past, “here’s your sign!” Is there anyone who needs to be told what is written on that sign? I seem to recall that the sign says, “No Pets Allowed” or maybe it said “Welcome to Oregon, now go back to California”.  
Almost every country on Earth feels an immense sense of honor when their citizens exhibit pride in their origins and mother land, as they should. Global citizens seem to mechanically and automatically regurgitate the names and locations of their national landmarks, curiosities, and history to anyone and everyone who will listen. This is a pleasing sentiment in and of itself, but is there nothing more? Nothing more than Ellis Island? Nothing more than leaving their motherland praying and dreaming of a better life, but those dreams dry up as “The American Dream” seems as if forever, just out of reach. There is more. One just has to be open to seeming uncomfortable experiences. Once you are able to move past the feelings of discomfort, new world unfolds before your eyes. A world of odd beauty, interesting history, and strange traditions… This post will be used to share pictures of the odd, strange, beautiful, and bizarre wonders which cross my path… Enjoy! (I will update this post with new pictures, so keep checking this post.)
The far sign is carved onto a rock and is repainted when the sun fades the directions...

This was the Blue Moon in August. The Moon festival followed only a few weeks later. That is when Moon Cakes are to be eaten and given as gifts. Moon Cakes are much like the Pineapple cakes. They are not cake and do not taste very good.

This is another picture of the Blue Moon. The clouds in the picture are a common occurrence here in Taiwan. The weather is very strange, one minute clear skies, clouds roll in, it pours gallon buckets of rain, and the clouds roll out. This occurs usually within a 20 minutes span.
This sight had me baffled for weeks. It is a huge portable tent type meeting area. This was not located on the street when I arrived in Keelung. It seemed to spring up over night. It wasn't until my agent, Wade, arrived to help me with business the purpose of the meeting area was revealed. This is a memorial meeting area. A citizen of Keelung passed away and this was erected for people to gather and mourn. The picture below is a different angle.

This is the Gold Man. He is located on our school grounds. I was walking around in the jungle and bam there was this gold man. I obviously cannot read the blah blah on the face of the statue, but I was told by a reliable source that this is Chairman Mao. This man's picture can be found in every classroom.

These plants grow wild directly behind our dorm. These plants are considered small compared to the ones located to the south of the school. The leaves on those plants are large enough to stand under and use as an umbrella. I never imagined plants described in the stories actually existed.

This is what we call a dieffenbachia. There many types of this plant and they all can be found growing wild in what would be considered my new backyard. Trust me, this is paradise for me. I love plants. This is a smaller plant and it's growing up a tree trunk. There is one of these plants down in the garden area of the school with leaves as big as a dinner plate.

This is what we call elephant ear. I never really understood why they would name the plant after something as large as an elephant. Until I saw the plant growing wild. The name is totally well deserved. Again, this is a small plant. I have seen ones as big as a palm tree growing in California.


  1. I bet you are in paradise with all of the flowers and plants there huh? Don't bring any home with you!!!

    1. Why am I not allowed to bring any home with me? Did you see the pictures of the amazing plants? I would love to bring those home and let my green thumb run wild. I don't think they would survive the trip or pass through US customs.

  2. the reason why you cant bring them home???? US CUSTOMS!!! They check! They bring different diseases....blah blah blah....just like I couldnt bring plants back from Hawaii. Oh yeah and Hawaii had special scanners that scanned your bags for contraband plants. If you bought a plumeria stick (thats what they look like until you plant them) then that is ok, but no other plants.....Just don't want you to get disappointed.

    1. That sounds to me like government conspiracy theory at its finest. Come on Gina…. Really? They have diseases? And the comment that follows this?? And the Pope is?? That’s right Jewish… You didn’t hear? He had a change of faith after seeing Jesus on a tortilla in Cabo San Lucas. I read all about his conversion on Facebook, everything on that site is 100% gospel truth! What kind of diseases would Hawaiian plants carry? Hmm I wonder if it was a Hawaiian plant disease which caused the tree frogs in Florida to be born with a third eye and the ability to speak French. “Wee, wee! La Frogs Legs, no oooh la la.” True story, Facebook! Well if the US Customs is worried about tropical plant diseases I better not try to sneak an elephant ear or wandering jew back to The States. Seriously saw the biggest wandering jew I have ever seen. WOW is the only way to describe her. She almost was uprooted and brought back to live happily with me. But I couldn’t take the risk of sullying such a Created wonder. You know? Maybe just a little start or two??

  3. first of all learn how to type french...oui oui...silly. And you call yourself an english teacher. hahahahaha And it is the hawaiian tropical dont want to catch that because there is no cure. I have it you's terrible. I thought you didnt have a Facebook anymore but how come you keep talking about it. Are you keeping something from me? I personally find all of my info on Google. Google is the god's honest truth. Dont you know? As for the probably took 3 or 4 or 10.

    1. Exactly me sweet girl. An Englishy, as they call me here, teacher. Not a Frenchy teacher. Hello? Maybe I had to pee, or something. You never know, could happen. You have a HTD? Oh that’s bad… How did you catch it? You were kissing the Bird’s of Paradise, weren’t you? Shame on you… Shame, shame, know your name! LOL Ummm I don’t have a Facebook any more. When we IM later I will fill you in on the Facebook cracks. I disagree that Google is more reliable than Facebook. I know for a fact that Facebook employs fact checking elves. I know one personally. Her name is Helga and she is in the US on a MC (magical creature) work visa. How can Google compete with elves that make sure everything people put up on Facebook is the God’s honest truth? Answer: They can’t! After all, even Elvis has a Facebook page… As for the starts, I swear I didn’t take even 1, yet… Scout’s honor!

    2. Gina I was researching a phrase origin and usage on Yahoo when I stumbled across this article. The article relayed how a couple of secretly gay students were “outed” to their parents via Facebook. This is exactly why I deleted my Facebook account and believe Facebook is a horrid site. Anyone can post anything about anybody, with no regard for truth or consequences, and no one doubts is validity for a hot second. This is due to the fact it has been posted in black and white on the Internet. No one bothers to check facts; they buy into whatever is being posted. I mean after all, they are Facebook friends and part of some fictitious “family tree”. They grow their little farms and make fake money. Can you see where the reality and truth takes an extended vacation with little hope of return to the “real world”? Facebook reminds of the days of chatting. Remember those days? You never knew really who you were talking to and anyone could say anything. Senseless people use Facebook as a gossip and contemptuous forum. While yet other people, who remind me of turkeys drowning because they are looking up to see where the water is coming from, absorb all tantalizing and true information posted on Facebook. Once absorbed they pass it on to other turkeys, who may not have party to the original post. The process is repeated until there are no defining elements of truth, just a bunch of angry “do-gooders” trying to save their town from lawless heathens. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! I am sure certain people are extremely appreciative Facebook was around when they were committing their various and sordid affairs. Am I right? I wonder how it would have been to see the juicy tidbits regarding their indiscretions posted for the world to see and comment on. I wonder if they would have wanted to or even dared “explain their actions”.

      The link to the article.
