
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chance Sounds like a Game in Las Vegas... (1)

The adventure and chance of a life time... This is the term used to describe this journey to a far away foreign place by more than one person, thus far. The adventure of a life time... Really? Who's life time are we discussing? The life of any one in particular? Maybe this could be the adventure of some girl I haven't met yet, or maybe this could be the adventure of the life for some girl who actually has a real life. But most assuredly, not me and not my life. With the above being said, this adventure started as most other adventures do, as research on the Internet. Everyone knows that everything people put on the Internet is the God's honest truth. Any how, the adventure started as research and a hope of something still to come out of this life I had been given. A life that for all intents and purposes seemed to be in a suspended state. I guess the suspension has been lifted and it is time to take the adventure. Even if I don't think I'm ready.

Jing-Xi's Lesson of the Day: If one never tries their wings, one will never fly. If one never flies one never expirences life from a different altitude.

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